Children’s Trust Needs Assessments completed

The three Children’s Trust Needs Assessments have been completed and approved by the Joint Commissioning Board and Children’s Trust Executive Board.

As a result of the needs assessments, there have been a number of actions already taken to address the recommendations within them.  This is excellent news and demonstrates a commitment to evidence based action.

The summary themes were as follows:

Young people and homelessness

Prevention of homelessness
The process of receiving advice and support
The support and accommodation available

Rural Isolation

Something to do
Youth shelters
Neutral spaces
Generation gaps

Something to do – activities for teenagers

Somewhere to go/something to do
Greater awareness of services
Positive role models

A Guide to Local Action has been created to help local communities who want to provide activities for young people.  Please circulate this Guide as widely as you can to all contact, partners, colleagues etc.

In more detail the issues and recommendations are below.  Further enquiries should be directed to Jenny Bevan, Project Manager Needs Assessments, or 01926 742355